Use the case studies category on case study posts to ensure they appear in this listing page. If you have a lot of case studies, you might want to group them by using extra categories and adding filters to the listing.
Don’t miss the opportunity to link to relevant appeals, either by adding a donation form widget directly into the content of the post or by including a relevant appeal in the sidebar of the post.
If you’re struggling to frame case studies, consider using the traditional narrative arc:
In order to make the case study as engaging as possible, include story-specific details and use the first person when you can (“I was in this situation…”). Identify what is most relevant in the story to readers – cutting long narratives will make the content more readable and impactful.
Case studies provide powerful content that can have a significant impact on posts across your website by engaging readers on a human level.
<blockquote>Use key quotes or summarise case studies on posts from service posts to appeals and impact posts (you could highlight them using the ‘blockquote’ style).</blockquote>
You can then link to the case study post for website visitors interested in the full story.
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